Crusnic Corporation

Making A.I. Accessible to Bangladesh


Accelerating AI Advancements in Bangladesh

At Crusnic Corporation, our mission is to foster a thriving ecosystem for AI research and development in Bangladesh, focusing on harnessing the power of Bangla language technologies. As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to making AI accessible to students, researchers, and the wider community, ultimately contributing to the nation's digital transformation and socio-economic growth. Through innovative solutions and strategic collaborations, we strive to empower the people of Bangladesh in the age of artificial intelligence.


Natural Language Processing

Our dedicated team at Crusnic Corporation has been focusing on corpus curation and dataset annotation for the Bangla language. By creating a robust and diverse corpus, we aim to enhance the understanding and processing of Bangla text, making it more accessible to AI applications and fostering further advancements in NLP research in Bangladesh. 

Computer Vision

Crusnic Corporation has developed an innovative OCR tool for Bangla Handwritten Text Recognition (BN-HTR). This cutting-edge solution enables accurate recognition and digitization of handwritten Bangla text, paving the way for improved document processing and accessibility in the era of digital transformation. 

Data Science and Engineering

Our team is committed to advancing the field of data science and engineering through the effective management and integration of big data with knowledge graphs. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, we strive to create intelligent and efficient systems that contribute to the growth of AI in Bangladesh.


Crusnic Corporation is proud to showcase the impactful research outcomes of our dedicated team. We actively disseminate our findings through various publications, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration within the global research community. Our commitment to sharing research outcomes helps to drive innovation and accelerate advancements in AI research and development in Bangladesh.


Contact us to get more information on the running projects and how to collaborate.